Sunday, February 11, 2018

Entry #6 Online Learning

There are many ways to benefit from the Internet besides making money. The best way could be online education. Online learning allows anyone, anywhere to learn. I think it is a great thing for people who are unable to attend school regularly because of health or family issues. 

Some people, like me, choose to attend online school for other reasons. I attend an online high school because I like to be more focused on my education. I found that in regular schools teachers and students usually don't care much about the actual learning. It is more about socializing. 

Others may think online school or homeschooling means that a student can't socialize. Actually, students have many opportunities to socialize through volunteer work, school field trips, clubs, and more. It all goes down to the student's preferred way of learning.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Entry #5 Likes and Comments

 I think people see likes and comments as compliments on a larger scale. Like when you get a new haircut you expect people to compliment you when you go out. If you don't get any compliments, you start to re-think your haircut. Its the same on social media. When you post a picture, you expect people to tell you how great you look. If nobody says anything, you start to think the picture doesn't look so good. If your picture gets a like, you are liked.

In real life when we compliment someone they usually compliment us back. That's why many people on social media feel they need to reply with a comment in the form of a compliment. Comments are important to people on social media. They also want a real compliment, not just the same comment that's been posted on countless other pictures.

A like is much different from a comment and when a person posts something they wonder about people who like but don't comment on their picture. Is it because the picture doesn't deserve a comment? Do they not care enough to comment? To some people liking is just easier than commenting, but others take it more seriously.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Entry #4 Online Influencers

Online influencers are exactly what the name portrays. They influence people through social media. They can be paid by companies to influence consumers or they can be influencing consumers towards their own products or services.

They can influence people through many different social media platforms, but usually through Instagram or Youtube. This is because companies can clearly see the number of followers or subscribers. This means they can pick the people with the largest amount of followers to advertise for them.

Many people do take influencer opinions into consideration when making purchases, but others find it difficult to trust them. They can get paid for saying practically anything is good. Does that mean they'll only advertise things they actually approve or will they advertise anything they benefit from? It also makes you wonder why people care about their opinion either way.

Entry #3. Digital Identity

One online personality that has always interested me is Huda Kattan. Not only does she have the same name as me and comes from the same country as me, but she is very successful. She became successful through her online identity.

Her path to success started on her blog. She connected with the beauty community and created her own niche. She gained popularity through her blog and even more through her youtube videos. Many of her videos went viral for being a bit over the top or intriguing.

After creating her own beauty line and her rise to fame, Huda Kattan used Youtube much less. Her blog is also being run by a team instead of by her. She mostly uses Instagram now as a way of self-advertisement. Followers flock to her page in hopes of having their pictures reposted. Having a picture reposted by her is a big deal considering she has over 24 million followers. She, of course, chooses the ones who use her products in their pictures or videos.

She is still seen as a very important person in the beauty industry. To me, it seems as though her money is now more important than her audience. As with many influencers, it is harder to trust her opinion now that everything she recommends is a paid advertisement.