Sunday, January 28, 2018

Entry #2 What Makes a Good Blog

After reading several blogs, I want to share my thoughts on what makes a good blog.

#1. Having a Purpose

I think this diagram clearly illustrates what a purpose can be.
Without a purpose, the blog doesn't really mean anything.

#2. Being Organized

Having an organized blog is just as important as having organized papers and files.
Posting in a certain order, creating tabs, and adding tags make the blog easier to navigate.

#3. Staying on Topic

As a reader, I don't want to go on a cooking blog and end up reading someone's life story. It is nice to have some personal details, but not so much that the reader forgets why they're on the blog in the first place. 

#4. Using Descriptive Language

To describe food, saying it tastes good isn't enough to let the reader know what the food tastes like. Using more descriptive words, like the ones in the picture, will give a better understanding and will make readers more interested. 

There are many more things that make a good blog, but these are a few things I like to see in blogs and make me want to continue reading.

Entry #1. Blogs

I enjoy most blogs. I prefer casual/professional blogs over other types of blogs because they provide information while still being enjoyable to read. Some blogs seem to have no reason to exist. Other blogs have too much information to process.

I dislike gossip blogs because they seem unimportant and to me, not entertaining. For example, is full of "scandals" and rumors that are insignificant. Some people, I'm sure, enjoy reading these types of blogs, but I can live without them.

Other blogs, like , have a clear purpose. I like this blog because it has all kinds of information about language including other resources for language learning. I like that it is clear, organized, and easy to navigate.

One blog I really don't like is . Looking at the title of the blog, I thought it would be about raising awareness about one thing or another. After looking through the blog I'm not sure the author thought it through or knew what they wanted to write about. One post is about taking care of rabbits, the next maid service in California, one about online casinos, and another about plumbing service in Canada. None of the posts seem related to each other. I know I never want to read it again.

After reading the last blog, I understand why it is important to have a clear purpose, audience, and tone when writing. Otherwise, the writing doesn't make any sense to the reader.

Sunday, January 21, 2018



My name is Huda and I am a high school senior preparing myself for college. I have many goals, mostly geared towards my education. First, I want to graduate on time, then finish my bachelor's degree in biology, study dermatology, and have my own clinic. I am only eighteen years old and I believe I will create many more goals along the way of the reaching the goals I have already set for myself. For now, my top priority is graduating high school on time. The high school I attend is an online high school so I hope through this blog I will be able to express myself in a better way with peers. I enjoy blogs because they are an excellent way of voicing opinions and ideas for constructive criticism. I am excited to be writing this blog so that I may share my thoughts and receive feedback from readers.

All constructive criticism is welcomed, thank you.